A downloadable game

Open-Source Wargaming rules for everyone!

That's the concept behind LANDWAR, a skirmish-sized rules set for almost any range of miniatures and any game.

Players are given the freedom to create their own unit stats for their armies, or build off the sample lists.

Game uses D6 for combat resolution, tape measure for movement and range.
It plays like Battletech:Alpha Strike crossed with some Star Wars: X-wing.

Rulebook is just 9 pages, and the reference sheet is 2 pages!

Lastly, the official app provides tons of convenience for editing and maintaining your lists of units and stats!


LANDWAR - Core Rules - Beta v1.4 Preview 216 kB
landwar_core_rules_beta-1.3.pdf 151 kB
landwar_ref_sheet_beta-1.3.pdf 101 kB
landwar_scenarios_beta-1.3.pdf 127 kB
landwar_unit_cost_manual_beta-1.3.pdf 69 kB
landwar_all_in_one_beta-1.3.zip 756 kB
landwar_unit_cards_blank.pdf 28 kB
landwar_tokens_beta-1.0.pdf 2.5 kB

Install instructions

PDF's are for the core rules, the zip file has everything you need to play the basic game - rules, unit stats, and force lists.

Development log

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This is so cool! Great work!


(1 edit)

It'll be awesome if you even put the open source and creative Commons attribution share alike license text in this game's rules documents, etc.

great reminder! I'll put that on my todo for august, thanks!

I'm impressed that you now put landwar under the GNU GPL V3 license

I'm not great at parsing licenses, GNU seems more software oriented (I am a programmer for a day job, so I gravitated to it.)

I think one of the Creative Commons, maybe CCSA would be more appropriate. 

especially Attribution Share Alike 4.0, totally. Maybe you should dual license it under CC-BY-SA 4.0 and GPLv3

I'll make sure the app is under GPL, source code is available over on github.

especially Attribution Share Alike 4.0, totally. Maybe you should dual license it under CC-BY-SA 4.0 and GPLv3