Getting started
the core rules and reference guides are the best starting point for rules. To actually play a scenario, you will need filled out Unit Info Cards, which can be found as a downloadable on the main itch page alongside the rules. We strongly recommend for your first game that you use the 'sample forces' found in the file.
Design Themes
Landwar is model-agnostic, as-in , you can bring any miniature to the table; the only limitations are what your fellow wargamers agree upon. for every model, you'll need a Unit Info Card with that model's stats, attacks, and any special rules. To design your own units (which we absolutely encourage) the rules for unit construction can be found in the file or with the official companion app.
What's the deal with the app, anyway?
The rules are free, and will forever be free, the app is powerful convenience for wargamers who want to delve into LANDWAR's mechanics - empowered to easily build custom units ,calculate their point costs, assign special rules, and generate army lists.
About that Unit Info Card
We will roll the following diagram into the game documents eventually, but here's the quick explanation.

Reading from left-to-right.
- Unit Name box : Ideally a unique name for the unit.
- Points cost : The cost of the unit when creating army lists (optional), this can be calculated with the rules sheet in the zip file.
- Size : meta stat, used mostly for points costs and special rules. This is an abstract number to approximate unit size.
- Move : number of inches a unit can move in the Movement Phase AND its Initiative Value for when to move.
- Evade : Optional stat (see unit cost calculation rules). IF a Unit moves, during the Combat Phase, it can spend up to these points to increase their defensive rolls. These are replenished every turn IF the unit moves.
- Armor : total health pool of a unit, damage is 1:1 for armor points. Once a unit is reduced to 0 Armor, they are counted as destroyed at the end of the turn.
- Melee(Mel) Damage : Can be 0 or more, amount of damage a unit deals when in Melee (0-1" to an enemy model).
- Range Damage - Effective Range : Can be 0 or more, damage a unit deals for ranged attacks. Important: Range is unlimited in LANDWAR! the printed range is merely the range the Unit has its best chance to hit, but all units with Ranged Damage > 0 can make a ranged attack at any range except Melee. example: 6 (dmg) - 16" (range)
- TAGS : See Tags rules, these are special rules that will modify or override core rules.
- Icon / token area : Put a cool picture of your unit here, and its also a great place to store damage, stress, and other important tokens.
This should be enough to get you rolling with your first few games of LANDWAR. We will be adding more posts in the future, and we look forward to any feedback players may have!
good luck!
Free rules for skirmish wargaming with miniatures.
Status | In development |
Category | Physical game |
Author | Subject9x |
Tags | Tabletop, Turn-based, wargame |
Languages | English |
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